
4 Reasons to Invest in Dubai Real Estate Market

Why should you invest in Dubai real estate you ask? We summarized the 4 main reasons people invest in properties in Dubai. In a nutshell, it's a safe hub for foreign investors. Explore more here!

4 quick facts about Dubai’s real estate market:

  • It’s safe
    Dubai is the 2nd safest country in the world and the 3rd most peaceful city in the region.
  • It’s profitable
    Dubai ranks amongst the world’s highest yield rates with a 5.2% ROI on villas and 7.3% on apartments
  • It’s promising
    IMF forecasts a 3.7% GDP growth by 2020, making it a perfect investment destination.
  • It’s secure
    The UAE announced that investors can have residency visas valid for 10 years, if they invest in property worth Dh2,000,000.


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